• html> Fireworks - Images

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    <script TYPE="text/javascript"> /** * You may use this code for free on any web page provided that * these comment lines and the following credit remain in the code. * Cross Browser Fireworks from http://www.javascript-fx.com */ /*************************************************/ if(!window.JSFX) JSFX=new Object(); if(!JSFX.createLayer) {/*** Include Library Code ***/ var ns4 = document.layers; var ie4 = document.all; JSFX.objNo=0; JSFX.getObjId = function(){return "JSFX_obj" + JSFX.objNo++;}; JSFX.createLayer = function(theHtml) { var layerId = JSFX.getObjId(); document.write(ns4 ? "<layer NAME='"+layerId+"'>"+theHtml+"</layer>" : "
    " ); var el = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(layerId) : document.all ? document.all[layerId] : document.layers[layerId]; if(ns4) el.style=el; return el; } JSFX.fxLayer = function(theHtml) { if(theHtml == null) return; this.el = JSFX.createLayer(theHtml); } var proto = JSFX.fxLayer.prototype proto.moveTo = function(x,y){this.el.style.left = x;this.el.style.top=y;} proto.setBgColor = function(color) { this.el.style.backgroundColor = color; } proto.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2){ this.el.style.clip="rect("+y1+" "+x2+" "+y2+" "+x1+")"; } if(ns4){ proto.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2){ this.el.style.clip.top =y1;this.el.style.clip.left =x1; this.el.style.clip.bottom=y2;this.el.style.clip.right =x2; } proto.setBgColor=function(color) { this.el.bgColor = color; } } if(window.opera) proto.setBgColor = function(color) { this.el.style.color = color==null?'transparent':color; } if(window.innerWidth) { gX=function(){return innerWidth;}; gY=function(){return innerHeight;}; } else { gX=function(){return document.body.clientWidth;}; gY=function(){return document.body.clientHeight;}; } /*** Example extend class ***/ JSFX.fxLayer2 = function(theHtml) { this.superC = JSFX.fxLayer; this.superC(theHtml + "C"); } JSFX.fxLayer2.prototype = new JSFX.fxLayer; }/*** End Library Code ***/ /*************************************************/ /*** Class Firework extends FxLayer ***/ JSFX.Firework = function(fwImages) { window[ this.id = JSFX.getObjId() ] = this; this.imgId = "i" + this.id; this.fwImages = fwImages; this.numImages = fwImages.length; this.superC = JSFX.fxLayer; this.superC(""); this.img = document.layers ? this.el.document.images[0] : document.images[this.imgId]; this.step = 0; this.timerId = -1; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; this.ay = 0.2; this.state = "OFF"; } JSFX.Firework.prototype = new JSFX.fxLayer; JSFX.Firework.prototype.getMaxDy = function() { var ydiff = gY() - 130; var dy = 1; var dist = 0; var ay = this.ay; while(dist<ydiff) { dist += dy; dy+=ay; } return -dy; } JSFX.Firework.prototype.setFrame = function() { // this.img.src=this.fwName+"/"+this.step+".gif"; this.img.src=this.fwImages[ this.step ].src; } JSFX.Firework.prototype.animate = function() { if(this.state=="OFF") { this.step = 0; this.x = gX()/2-20; this.y = gY()-100; this.moveTo(this.x, this.y); this.setFrame(); if(Math.random() > .95) { this.dy = this.getMaxDy(); this.dx = Math.random()*-8 + 4; this.dy += Math.random()*3; this.state = "TRAVEL"; } } else if(this.state=="TRAVEL") { this.x += this.dx; this.y += this.dy; this.dy += this.ay; this.moveTo(this.x,this.y); if(this.dy > 1) this.state="EXPLODE" } else if(this.state == "EXPLODE") { this.step++; if(this.step < this.numImages) this.setFrame(); else this.state="OFF"; } } /*** END Class Firework***/ /*** Class FireworkDisplay extends Object ***/ JSFX.FireworkDisplay = function(n, fwImages, numImages) { window[ this.id = JSFX.getObjId() ] = this; this.timerId = -1; this.fireworks = new Array(); this.imgArray = new Array(); this.loadCount=0; this.loadImages(fwImages, numImages); for(var i=0 ; i<n ; i++) this.fireworks[this.fireworks.length] = new JSFX.Firework(this.imgArray); } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.loadImages = function(fwName, numImages) { for(var i=0 ; i<numimages ; i++) { this.imgArray[i] = new Image(); this.imgArray[i].obj = this; this.imgArray[i].onload = window[this.id].imageLoaded; this.imgArray[i].src = fwName+"/"+i+".gif"; } } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.imageLoaded = function() { this.obj.loadCount++; } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.animate = function() { status = this.loadCount; if(this.loadCount < this.imgArray.length) return; for(var i=0 ; i<this.fireworks.length ; i++) this.fireworks[i].animate(); } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.start = function() { if(this.timerId == -1) { this.state = "OFF"; this.timerId = setInterval("window."+this.id+".animate()", 40); } } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.stop = function() { if(this.timerId != -1) { clearInterval(this.timerId); this.timerId = -1; for(var i=0 ; i<this.fireworks.length ; i++) { this.fireworks[i].moveTo(-100, -100); this.fireworks[i].step = 0;; this.fireworks[i].state = "OFF"; } } } /*** END Class FireworkDisplay***/ JSFX.FWStart = function() { if(JSFX.FWLoad)JSFX.FWLoad(); myFW.start(); } myFW = new JSFX.FireworkDisplay(20, "fw05", 21); JSFX.FWLoad=window.onload; window.onload=JSFX.FWStart; </script>

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